Tuesday, March 24, 2020

4 M's of coping


Today I am sharing some tips and or tools that are helping me cope with the current situation. 4 M's!

Make a schedule. Duh!  But how detailed is your schedule? I have it in 15min increments. I need to be reminded to drink, move, eat, take meds, and take break from the computer. Is your schedule one that works for you? Is it in grid from or is it a circle? Do you need to color code it? I did color code mine, my work schedule verse my work from home schedule are 2 completely different things.

Move- Even if its just stretch at the kitchen counter, there are plenty of YouTube videos with ideas. Yoga can be slow and gentle ( I am just starting to learn basics) , Barre classes on the computer are great because the only "supply" you need is either a chair at the right height or a kitchen counter. 

Make- Make something. Everyone has the ability to make something, even if or especially if you not traditonally creative. My mom sews, I can't, but I can make journals. Other ideas include writing short stories, poetry, songs or whatever you feel like will help you. Take pictures, document how you see the world from where you are currently.

Meditate- I struggle with getting my brain to calm down, it can feel like I am struck on a roller coaster. YouTube has some good, easy guided meditations, no matter your background.

Use the 4 M's as needed. I hope they help. I am still figuring it out myself, this new reality will be okay, but its going to take time to adjust to it and that's okay...

If you are in a situation where you need to reach out and talk the National Suicide Prevention hotlines website says "The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals." Their Number is  800-273-TALK (8255) . They also have a chat feature on their website.

There is nothing wrong with reaching out for Help. Period.

Music today : Celtic Women and Michal Card "Starkindler"

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Status Report 3/22/2020

Hi there. How goes your day?

Its report time! 

Worship happened online for most of the country. I was proud of how quickly clergy adapted to a completely different type of ministry. We are playing a part in history, It is the time to show the world that the church is not a building.
I went to Evansville, IN this morning, driving over the bridge was strange, the highway was almost empty at 9:45am.  I drove thru Parlor Donuts and picked up a few so I can have one occasionally while I work from home this week. I DID NOT get out of my car the entire trip.Their Coconut Cream donut is one of my favorite stress foods. I know its not low carb or healthy but currently I am not focused so much on healthy treats, mental health takes priority. I am trying in general to be good. All of their donuts are awesome, and supporting a local business is good for the soul.

I had planned to stop at the grocery store but it was too busy for me to risk it today. I have enough food stuffs on hand to last  for a while.
Once I got back to the other side of the bridge, I went down to the Riverwalk. There was plenty of sunlight. It was a little nippy, but the swings facing the river called my name too loudly to be ignored.
I sat and swung with my jacket buttoned up while the wind whipped off the river, the lavender latte cold but satisfying while the river continued to flow.
 It remined me today that we have to just go with the flow, there will be things that change the course of the river, the water still goes somewhere. Life will go on, it is changing, and as events evolve we will have adapt along with the rest of the world.
Dinner tonight is air-fried pork chops and broccoli, maybe sugar free mountain dew.
Music today included music from the Broadway show HadesTown- Note this show is may not be  completely child friendly. Based on 2 myths it has great music, great actors, haunting melodies and a story that makes you appreciate relationships and just maybe 2nd chances. Enjoy!
Judge for yourself if its appropriate for your children.



 I had previously grocery shopped before the chaos started . I did have to go to a big box store to get meds this week, there were more people in the store than on a regular day. Good grief, we are supposed to stay at least 6ft away from people, and no more than gatherings of 10 people,um the store can't enforce that. 

I am glad drive thru- is currently open at the coffee shop. I need to see people. I do have coffee at home and creamer.

I am glad that I have cooking skills.  I am working from home, they are keeping me busy.  I made myself a schedule to keep sane. I may post it at some point with certain details edited out for privacy. I make sure to get up and move, hydrate and do something creative. 
So far I have made:
  • corned beef,
  •  colcannon,
  • chicken spaghetti squash spinach casserole (yummy)
The plan today is white chicken chili. 

 I am enjoying sleeping later as my day normally starts at 5:30, now its closer to 7:30.

My family both in KY and IL are okay.
My mom and dad are in a good situation, they have plenty of supplies and a dog to walk so they can get out of the house.  My in-laws are retired for the most part so they are doing alright as well the internet and tv are working  :)

My husband is considered "essential" so he is still working, A Lot. He comes home exhausted but glad he is still working. He has a paper that says he is essential that he has to carry with him at all times. ( that scares me a little)

My mother has started making masks from her fabric stash, they aren't as good as N95s, but they help with allergies and the hospitals are asking for donations of them. Here is the tutorial from ButtonCounter.com its amazing . #buttoncountermask

Today I plan to do some writing and art.

I am currently listening to Celtic Thunder Legacy Vol II. I will try to post what I am listening to on at least one of the post in a week, will probably be more often. 

Stay tuned for more reports, sarcasum, and links. 

Stay safe and Stay home to protect those bodies can't protect them. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hi there!

Good afternoon

This blog is just a place for me to record my thoughts about:

  • Being confined home due to COVID-19

  • Staying sane throughout the process

  • Recording what happens on a regular basis for my friend who is a social historian. 

There will be talk of:
  •  Faith
  • Medicine
  • Grace
  • Emotions
  • Plenty of sarcasm

 I will link things as I find them or share how to find the information yourself .

I will always try to put a warning on the top of a post if it has anything that is not child appropriate.